Showing posts with label Endeca Interview. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Endeca Interview. Show all posts

Saturday, 14 October 2017

Endeca Interview Questions part 1

Hi All,
      Many of us before going to attend any interviews , they want to know how much they have prepared for the Interview  so they will be testing their knowledge with the questions , I am sure this post going to be useful in that aspects for the ATG-Endeca Integration Developers . I will be covering from the basic to the compex Questions here .

1)What is Endeca ?
2)What is the Expansion of ITL?
3)Explain Forge Process in Endeca ?
4)What is MDEX?
5)What are the Components of MDEX?
6)What is Tools and Frameworks and Explain their Functionality?
7)What is Platform Services and Explain their Functionality?
8)What is CAS and Explain their Fuctionality?
9)Explain the Order of Installation if Endeca Components?
10)Explain Digix?
11)Explain Dgraph? 
12)Explain the Full Form of EAC and their Architecture?
13)Explain the Steps to be Followed while creating the Endeca Application?
14)What is Deployment Template and how it ca be used ?
15)What is the Full Form of XM?
16)Explain the uses of WorkBench?
17)Explain the uses of XM?
18)Explain about the ECR Repositroy and Mention about their uses?
19)What are record Stores in endeca?
20)What is last-mile crawl?
21)Explain about Indexing Process from Baseline Script perspective .?
22) How to make Dimension id same across all the environments?
23)What is Crawling and how it can be achieved .?
24)What are the cartridges ?
25)What are the templates ?
26)How to create cartridges and promoting it ?
27)What is Index Config ?
28)How ATG Interacts with Endeca ?
29)Component responsible for triggering Indexing ?
30)How to Schedule Indexing ATG?
31)How to set RecordFilterable as property?
32)Wat is Rollup key and how to define it ?.
33)What is property and Dimensions ?
34)Script Called from Endeca During BaselineIndex
35)What is Partial Indexing?
36)What is Baseline Indexing?
37) What is the Script Called During Baseline Indexing ?
38) What is the Script Called During the Partial Indexing?
39)Definition file for Defining te Indexables Components in ATG
40)What is Endeca Pipeline
41)What are Search Interfaces in endeca ?
42)What are Record Search in endeca ?
43)What are Dimension Search in endeca ?
44)What is Endeca_jspref?
45)Attribute used to define for the level  of Indexing in definition file?
46)How many records are computed by guided search if the same record is linked in the two or more category.?
47)Which Component outputs dimension Value records for all of the repository items types.?
48)What is Multi Select in Endeca Dimensions ?
49) How do you define a property as multiselect or and Explain it ?
50)How do you define a property as multiselect and Explain it ?
51)How do you enable the assembler for your application.?
52)what is the entry point of the request for assembler based applications?
53)What is Assembler Pipeline servlet?
54)What are the twotypes of input paramteres in InvokeAssembler?
55)Types if Content invoke in AssemblerPiplelineservlet?
56)Which Component is responsible for connection to MDEX from Assembler.?
 57)How is  the cartride configurations will be avalible as part of your handler?
58)What is Catridge Config?
58)What are Cartridge Handlers ?
60)How Cartridges can be linked to Handler Mapping done through ?
61)What are default Methods in Cartridge handlers ?
62)How the Endeca Content is Accessible in ATG?

Happy Learning and new Beginning !!!!

........................To Be Continued