Some Times in our Local Machine/SIT Machine where less infrastructure is maintained, Indexing takes lot of time, when it fails in the Middle Due to the Network issue or
Endeca Script Service Fail or Unknowingly stopped the Server. Then you have to wait for another couple of hours for indexing. Follow the Below Approach, so that your time is saved.
Step 1:
go to C:\Endeca\CAS\11.1.0\bin
and Execute below command
recordstore-cmd.bat read-baseline -a ATGen-data -f C:\Endeca\CAS\11.1.0\bin\ATGen.xml
where -a tag defines your Record Store here Data to be imported. -f defines the File where you need to store data from the CAS.
It will take some minutes based on the data Size, but not the Actual time it takes for the Indexing from productCatalogSimpleindexingAdmin.
Once it is done, follow the same process for the Dimensions also
recordstore-cmd.bat read-baseline -a ATGen-dimvals -f C:\Endeca\CAS\11.1.0\bin\ATGen-dim.xml
It will take very less time .
Then go to C:\Endeca\Apps\ATGen\test_data\baseline
Step 2:
Copy both the Xml’s and Rename to ATGen.xml to rs_baseline_data.xml
ATGen-dim.xml to rs_baseline_dimvals.xml
Step 3:
Then go to C:\Endeca\PlatformServices\11.1.0\utilities
execute the below command
gzip.exe C:\Endeca\Apps\ATGen\test_data\baseline\rs_baseline_data.xml
gzip.exe C:\Endeca\Apps\ATGen\test_data\baseline\rs_baseline_dimvals.xml
After this command execution it changes to the Below Format
Step 4:
Once it is Changed go to C:\Endeca\Apps\ATGen\control and Execute the Command
It will load the Data to the RecordStores.
Using CAS install at C:\Endeca\CAS\11.1.0
Loading C:\Endeca\Apps\ATGen\control\..\test_data\baseline\rs_baseline_data.xml.gz into ATGen-data
Wrote 27968 records.
Loading C:\Endeca\Apps\ATGen\control\..\test_data\baseline\rs_baseline_dimvals.xml.gz into ATGen-dimvals
Wrote 104 records.
Once it is Done !!!
Trigger BaseLineindex.
Step 5:
Then indexing is complete . Happy Time Saving !!!
note: This Can be followed as much time you need, when you are getting any CAS related Issued During the CAS import or Baseline Index Restart CAS.
Excellent Syed!!! Thanks for the valuable info.