Sunday, 16 October 2016

Sorting in Endeca

In Endeca Assembler 11.1 all are defined as the components, even the Sorting’s are also defined as the Component . We can see the tutorials how to write the sorting component, and how to inject it.

Create a Custom component, in the Follwing path /com/endeca/infront/cartridge/model/sort


label=By Rating

create a class that extends SortOptionConfig

import com.endeca.infront.cartridge.model.SortOptionConfig;

public class SortOptionsRatingsConfig extends SortOptionConfig {

public String RATING_HIGH=”Rating|1”;
     public SortOptionsRatingsConfig() {

     public SortOptionsRatingsConfig(String pLabel) {
           mLabel = pLabel;

     private String mLabel;

     public String getLabel() {
           return mLabel;

     public void setLabel(String pLabel) {
           mLabel = pLabel;

     public String getValue() {

// if the Soring value is Dynamically Dependent then we can write the Business logic for generating Sort Dynamically.

           return RATING_HIGH;


Go to ResultsList Component  


and Register the Component in the Sorteres property.


That’s It You will be getting the Sorting by Reviews, while fetching the Results. The Main Constarint is you have to define the Sorting Property as  the Double or the Alpha during indexing.

Write comments
  1. Hi Syed,

    I was referring this blog to set sort options. I am getting error saying unable to
    atg.nucleus.ConfigurationException: Unable to resolve component /com/endeca/infront/cartridge/model/sort/sku.listPrice
    (I am performing a sort for sku.listPrice prperty.)
    Do we need to pass prperty name in the path or below is fine,


  2. I Vishal,
    It is enough you define this sortComponent path in the ResultsList Component . For this sort component , you should mention two values Label and value from the compoennt file . label should be name to display and value should be like the this property|1 . once you define then it will automatically consider in results .

    Thanks and regards,
    Syed Ghouse Habib

  3. Thanks for the reply Syed. I have a one more question, what if I want to use more than one sort options. Above example explains a single sort option.

  4. hi vishal,
    sorters property in resultslist is a list , you can configure the multiple sortoption to it .

  5. Hi Syed,
    We have a list of stockStatuses defined and indexed, we want to implement sort on this stockStatuses field. The issue we are having is as follows
    1. stockStatuses values list of storeId:stockStatus Eg(1000:InStock, 2000:OutofStock, etc)
    2. So now if we are in storeId = 1000, we need t sort items only on the 1000:<> values and not other values in the list as mentioned in Point 1
    Kindly suggest.
    Thanks & Regards,

    1. Hi Kunal,
      We also had the Same Requirement , We Achieved by doing the Below.

      While Indexing itself make Sure you are Indexing as below
      Inventory@1000 : 1
      Inventory@2000 : 0

      In the Sorter Component , Get the Current StoreId from the Profile and Set the return Dynamically as Below

      Ns=Inventory@|1 and tats all

      When the Sorters Load then you will gets the Records Sorted in this Order.

      Or Else if you want During the Intial Records Load , Set the Same in the CartrideCofig you will be able to get the Results Based on Your Requirement .

      Hope this Helps.

      Syed Ghouse Habib
