The Installation of Solr is very simple. On Comparing with other Search Platforms Which I worked, this is considered to be the simplest one in terms of installation.
Download the zip file from the official site of Solr. Its always good Practise to move to some development folder to proceed, instead of having it in the Downloads folder.
Make Sure your java home and path variable is set.
Follow the below steps for Installation.
1. Unzip the zip file which we downloaded. Usually, the File is in the Following format
Once you unzip it. Congratulations you are done with your installation.
We have a walk through explanation on the folder structure in a different post.
Consider my Solr in the following Directory C:\Dev\solr-7.5.0 then
Navigate to C:\Dev\solr-7.5.0\bin open the command prompt in this location
and execute the Following command C:\Dev\solr-7.5.0\bin>solr.cmd start
Solr is started with the following logs on the prompt.
INFO - 2018-12-25 10:39:32.458; org.apache.solr.util.configuration.SSLCredentialProviderFactory; Processing SSL Credential Provider chain: env;sysprop
Waiting up to 30 to see Solr running on port 8983
Started Solr server on port 8983. Happy searching!
Debug Mode
If you want the solr in Debug mode then execute the below command in the same location.
C:\Dev\solr-7.5.0\bin>solr.cmd start -a "-agentlib:jdwp=transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=n,address=18983"
This will start the solr in debug mode with listening to the port 18983. if you need detailed explannation check my post here.
By Default Solr is running on the port 8983, If that port is already occupied either stop the process in that port or start the solr with different port.
netstat -ano | findstr :8983 will list all the ports currently running in the machine.
2.Killing the Process running on the port (Windows)
taskkill /PID <PID_NO> /F
C:\Dev\solr-7.5.0\bin>netstat -ano | findstr :8983
TCP [::]:8983 [::]:0 LISTENING 18596
C:\Dev\solr-7.5.0\bin>taskkill /PID 18596 /F
SUCCESS: The process with PID 18596 has been terminated.
This will start the solr in different port.
C:\Dev\solr-7.5.0\bin>solr.cmd stop -all
This will stop if the solr is running in all the ports.
Happy Installation !!!!!
Download the zip file from the official site of Solr. Its always good Practise to move to some development folder to proceed, instead of having it in the Downloads folder.
Make sure your java is compatible with the version of Solr you download.Make Sure your java home and path variable is set.
Follow the below steps for Installation.
1. Unzip the zip file which we downloaded. Usually, the File is in the Following format
Once you unzip it. Congratulations you are done with your installation.
We have a walk through explanation on the folder structure in a different post.
Starting the Solr.
Normal Mode
Navigate to C:\Dev\solr-7.5.0\bin open the command prompt in this location
and execute the Following command C:\Dev\solr-7.5.0\bin>solr.cmd start
Solr is started with the following logs on the prompt.
INFO - 2018-12-25 10:39:32.458; org.apache.solr.util.configuration.SSLCredentialProviderFactory; Processing SSL Credential Provider chain: env;sysprop
Waiting up to 30 to see Solr running on port 8983
Started Solr server on port 8983. Happy searching!
Debug Mode
If you want the solr in Debug mode then execute the below command in the same location.
C:\Dev\solr-7.5.0\bin>solr.cmd start -a "-agentlib:jdwp=transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=n,address=18983"
This will start the solr in debug mode with listening to the port 18983. if you need detailed explannation check my post here.
By Default Solr is running on the port 8983, If that port is already occupied either stop the process in that port or start the solr with different port.
Stopping the Process running on the port
1.Identifying the process running on the port.(Windows)netstat -ano | findstr :8983 will list all the ports currently running in the machine.
2.Killing the Process running on the port (Windows)
taskkill /PID <PID_NO> /F
C:\Dev\solr-7.5.0\bin>netstat -ano | findstr :8983
TCP [::]:8983 [::]:0 LISTENING 18596
C:\Dev\solr-7.5.0\bin>taskkill /PID 18596 /F
SUCCESS: The process with PID 18596 has been terminated.
Starting the Solr in a different port.
C:\Dev\solr-7.5.0\bin>solr.cmd start -p 8990This will start the solr in different port.
Stopping the solr.
C:\Dev\solr-7.5.0\bin>solr.cmd stop -all
This will stop if the solr is running in all the ports.
Happy Installation !!!!!
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